Thursday, May 7, 2020

Off ! Off ! You Dam... FB ! "

My husband made me a very very tasty breakfast. A delicious repast of scrambled eggs and onion mixture - with rice of course - being this is Hawaii and all.

I left it on the counter for just a moment but quickly returned when my husband noticed Tawny was sitting on my plate. What!!!!! I yelled at him from across the room. Undeterred he simply turned around and brushed that long almost adult-length tail across my eggs. Bad Birdie!!!

Does anyone know what horrible  bird parasites and diseases I might get from eating those eggs? I choose to assume none but you may know differently. I dumped the part he had possibly pecked on and nuked the rest in the microwave. Then enjoyed them. But really, Tawny, really ?? !!

So the pros are being delighted to have a wild feathery visitor and the cons are the consternation of realizing I am too stupid to cover up my breakfast! I can't blame Tawny. It appears to be a genetic trait. I recall that one of his siblings from a prior clutch sat on one of DJ's painstakingly put together "rice wraps" that he too had haplessly left "for a moment".   I forgot that after that we would cover our plates on the counter. But after Cheepie moved across the street to establish his own territory and was told categorically by his dad to never come back after the FluffButts were fledged, I got out of the habit. Thanks Tawny for that reminder. But seriously, couldn't you have just sat next to the plate instead of sitting on it while making that point?

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