And here's uncle DJ with the Fluffbutts, the first fledging of 2020 by the mated pair "Bird" and "Birdlet". The chicks are designated Fluffbutts1-3 but earn individual names as their personalities come out. In the picture, DJ is the balding ape, Bird is the pretty adult shama, and the fluffbutts are screaming for food.
These guys aren't "tame" they're wild birds, but they've decided that we're a part of their wilderness and useful for some things. They communicate with us, and we with them to some degree.
This all grew out of DJ deciding to make friends with a shama, and getting to know demure little "Birdlet" early in 2019, back when Bird hated him and gave the monster razz to him. Over the course of four fledgings in 2019, the eepies, peepies, cheepies, and chickies the relationships changed somewhat, and that change seems to be ongoing. We had no idea that making friends with one shama would lead to such a bunch of stories, with various of these avian yard-dinosaurs deciding to co-inhabit our indoor space as well as convincing us to do various things outdoors.